2010-07-23 "WW-II battle near Speyer"
Invasion of Germany
The pincer movement of the First Canadian
Army in Operation Veritable advancing from
Nijmegen area of the Netherlands and the
U.S. Ninth Army crossing the Rur (Roer) in
Operation Grenade was planned to start on
February 8, 1945, but it was delayed by two
weeks when the Germans flooded the river
valley by opening the dam gates upstream.
By the time the water had subsided and the
U.S. Ninth Army was able to cross the Roer
on February 23, other Allied forces were
also close to the Rhine's west bank. General
Omar Bradley's US forces aggressive pursuit
of German troops resulted in the capture
of the Ludendorff bridge across the Rhine
River at Remagen by the U.S. First Army.
Bradley and his subordinates quickly exploited
the crossing made on March 7 and expanded
the bridgehead into a full scale crossing.
In the Allied 6th Army Group area, the U.S.
Seventh Army assaulted across the Rhine in
the area between Mannheim and Worms on March
26. A fifth crossing on a much smaller scale
was later achieved by the French First Army
at Speyer.
1944 August 19- 25
The Liberation of Paris (also known as Battle
for Paris) took place during World War II
from 19 August 1944 until the surrender of
the occupying German garrison on the 25th
and is accounted as the last battle in the
Campaign for Normandy and the transitional
conclusion of the Allied invasion breakout
in Operation Overlord into a broad-fronted
general offensive. The capital region of
France had been administered by Nazi Germany
since the Second Compiegne armistice in June
1940 when Germany occupied the north and
west of France and when the Vichy regime
was created in city of Vichy in central France.
1944 June 6 D-day
La bataille de Normandie est l'une des grandes
batailles de la Seconde Guerre mondiale sur
le theatre europeen. Elle se deroule entre
juin et aout 1944 en Normandie, et permet
aux forces alliees dfouvrir un nouveau front
en Europe, face aux troupes allemandes. Elle
debute le 6 juin 1944 ? appele Jour J ? par
le debarquement et le parachutage des premieres
troupes alliees sur et aux abords des plages
de l'ouest du Calvados et de l'est du Cotentin
pour finir entre le 19 (premieres unites
alliees traversant la Seine) et le 21 aout
(fermeture de la poche de Falaise), ouvrant
la voie a la Liberation de Paris le 25 aout.
Certains historiens considerent que la bataille
de Normandie s'acheve le 12 septembre avec
la liberation du Havre.
Forces en presence
1 000 000 hommes (11 juin)
1 452 000 hommes (25 juillet)
2 052 299 hommes (21 aout)
2 876 000 hommes (fin)
380 000 (1 000 000 d'hommes eparpilles sur
l'ensemble de la France)
150 000 tues, blesses
et disparus ,
(tues : 37 000 ; disparus : 19 000)
200 000 tues et blesses,(tues : 50 000),
200 000 prisonniers
Le 6 juin 1944, 1 213 bateaux de guerre (cuirasses
destroyers...), 736 navires de soutien, 864
cargos et 4 126 engins et peniches debarquent
20 000 vehicules et 156 000 hommes sur les
plages de Normandie. Les operations de debarquement,
elles, se poursuivront pendant encore plusieurs
semaines. Les plages choisies, protegees
par les fortifications du mur de l'Atlantique,
sont regroupees en 5 zones entre Saint-Martin-de-Varreville,
dans le Cotentin, a l'ouest et Ouistreham
sur l'embouchure de l'Orne a l'est :